This motorhome is great for production and works for any crew size.
With four workstations EZ is the ultimate mobile production office.

1 Big Slide-Out in main cabin - makes for spacious interior
4 Work Stations For Production Space
2 Hair and Makeup OR DIT Stations with Lighted Mirrors & Adjustable Counter Height
NO BED - Built -In Wardrobe Racks - 24' OF RACK SPACE + MID HEIGHT BARS
7’ Motorhome ladder available for rent
Full Kitchen
Basement Storage Area
Abundant Power Strips
Forced Air Heat and Air Conditioning
5500 Watt Generator
Stocked with Paper Products, Soaps, & Pharmacy Supplies
Garbage, Recycling, & Compost w/ Liners
Office Supplies
Driver Rate is not included in the price of mohos. We select drivers based on the type of job, and then they are a part of your crew. Rates are as follows:
TIMECARD: Driver Rate is $600/10, time and a half after 10hrs, double time after 12hrs
INVOICE: Driver Rate is $650/10, $100/HR after 10hrs
• Driver time is based on Portal-to-Portal – from time leaving until time returning: after refueling and dumping black and gray and refilling fresh water tanks.
*This vehicle is not available to the general public or for any personal use. We can only rent this vehicle to production companies with their own production insurance.